Friday, September 3, 2010

Adventures in Callie-land

 (The Enchanted Forest at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens)

This is yet another blog entry that does not include beach pictures!  They are coming soon...I promise!  I had it on my mind tonight just how smart our little girl is and I decided I better write about it before I forget.  We are just so proud of her daily achievements.  I don't think that I have mentioned before that she now says "Poe" (sounds like "BOW" but she says it when she sees Poe).  And for several weeks she has put slurred words together that have the same syllables each time.  She will say things like, "Here you go, Daddy" when she is handing him something.  It is all jumbled together, but we are finally able to translate some of these babblings.  Besides her new verbal achievements, she is also learning to identify and kiss things.  She can point out most of her bath toys when asked where they are and then she will pick them up and give each of them a big open-mouth kiss if asked.  She will also give each of us a nice slobbery kiss on occasion.  And today she was able to impress Daddy with her new ability to point to her nose, mouth and belly when prompted.  We had worked on it while he was at work.  And shortly after, she pointed to an ear thanks to some extra coaching from Daddy.   It is just so nice to know that she understands what we are saying even though she doesn't have much of a vocabulary yet.  She understands when it is time to eat, bathe, drink a smoothie, brush teeth, watch Mickey, and go to bed (which she is now getting whiny about and runs from me when I mention it!)  Bath time is particularly amusing because she will drop everything and just take off running for the bathroom and then try to climb in fully dressed.  And she loves to read and be read to as the following video post illustrates!   I am also posting a very random photo of a rubber ducky made from balloons.  It is just so cute that I had to share it!  It was made for Callie by a balloon artist from Friendly's Kids Eat Free night. (Fine dining for us now.)  Callie doesn't get to play with it because she just tries to squeeze its head and pop it!

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