Monday, May 14, 2012

Easter Blessings

This past Easter was full of the normal wonderful things that Easter represents to us believers, but it was also extra special for us because it was Callie's third birthday and the day we got her baptized.  In the past two years we have found a great church and church family and we decided that it was about time that we got our "not so infant" baptized to symbolize our commitment to raising her to know and love Jesus.  We also felt very blessed to have both our parents and Michelle, with us for this event.  And after church, we we got to enjoy the company of some of the people who have been such a blessing to us, one of my "besties", Mary, and her kids. It was a really special day!

 Early morning snuggles with Aunt Missy

 Trying to prepare her for what is going to happen during the baptism.  (When the pastor came to our house earlier that week to discuss everything, Callie ran to her room and said, "I will go get my princess dress!")

 At some point, while the pastor was speaking, Callie turned around and started picking her nose.  Matt saw it and whispered for her to stop.  She whispered back, "But I have a booger daddy!"  Fortunately she whispered!

 Not sure if she is explaining how he poured the water on her or what.  

 She wasn't so happy about the cold water.  She whined, "He got it all over me!"

 I took her to the bathroom and let her dance around under the hand dryer and she was all better.

 Callie enjoyed spinning in her princess dress with the a few of the other girls after church.

 A private table for the BFF's.

 A post lunch train table break.

 Easter egg hunt.  Our yard was a birthday party aftermath!


 And after all of that fun, Callie still had a huge pile of presents to open from family!