Friday, September 23, 2011

Flower Girl Part 2 - Meredith and Ben's Wedding, July 2, 2011

Callie had another opportunity, this summer, to wear a princess dress and try to steal the bride's spotlight.  She was the flower girl in Matt's cousin Meredith's outdoor wedding this past July.  The location was Aunt Laura's family property in Giles Co., a beautiful setting by the creek.  It was a gorgeous wedding, perfect weather (maybe just a little too hot, but no rain despite the forecast for it!) and everyone had a wonderful time.  Callie was a little more distracted at this wedding, probably because she was outside and she was a little hot and fussy.  I escorted her and the ring bearer, Meredith's cousin David, down the hill to the ceremony and then let Callie and David go on their own after crossing the bridge.  Callie stopped and dumped out all her petals and feathers, but then, instead of prancing down the aisle like she did in Michelle's wedding, she stopped to play with the feathers and then wouldn't move.  She had to be helped out of the aisle by Daddy, but the bride did not mind and Matt's Uncle Don said watching Callie's antics kept him from crying all the way to the little gazebo in the front.  Callie, Grampy YooHoo and I sat under a tree during the ceremony and kept Callie busy with coloring.  When it was time for her walk back up the aisle, she was must less enthused and I ended up having to carry her up.  She didn't want to stop coloring.  After pictures, I changed her into a cooler dress and she danced the night away under the tent.  Thank you Meredith and Ben for letting Callie be part of your special day!

Practice makes perfect.

The creek was a big temptation for her!

 Helping Ma-maw down the hill...isn't that cute!

She insists on looking at the pictures of herself after they have been taken.

Janny got some Callie time.

Callie was excited to get to spend the weekend in a hotel with Aunt Missy.

Cousin Andrew and his girlfriend Brie

I definitely got a good leg workout in that weekend with that hill!

Wedding time!...

 I made these for Meredith's Bridal Luncheon but she was able to work them into the decor on the head table.

Pretty classy for Giles County ;)

Andrew and the Groom - both so handsome!

Meredith's cousin Kristin was looking way too grown up!

A few daddy-daughter tears were shed before the ceremony...

I only wore the hat a little...I promise.  This picture reminds me of those you see in the tabloids of movie stars trying to hide from the paparazzi.  At least that is what I thought I was.  I did, unfortunately, come across this picture from a royal wedding blog of how NOT to wear a hat to a wedding.  I am in denial...I think I rocked it...and I would wear this red and magenta outfit too!  Check out those awesome shoes!

Callie's extra handsome escort...he definitely rocked that suit!

Proud, and exhausted, parents!

I gave them the award for the most romantic first married kiss of any wedding I have seen.  Their response was that they have had lots of practice since they have dated since they were in Jr. High!

This is how Callie and I came up the aisle!

And this is why she didn't want to do pictures or anything else.  She has to finish the entire book in one setting!

The outdoor setting and really creative photographers resulted in some unusual but adorable photos.!

 the Little Princess...

Both of us princesses enjoyed a ride back up the hill!

This was the only oops of the evening!  A combination of the uneven ground under the table, baker error and the heat caused the cake to be more Dr. Seuss than Martha Stewart.  The top layer jumped for it before the reception started so cake cutting became the first order of business!

More plaques..

Callie got a few Daddy moments in.

And then lots of Yoo-Hoo and dance floor time!