Friday, September 11, 2009

Five Months Old!

Callie turned five months this week! She is looking like an older baby now and is acting like one. She loves to fake cough for attention--little diva, and she has been trying to put her knees under her when she is laying on her stomach. She did the sweetest thing yesterday. I was laying next to her on our bed, trying to get her to take a nap with me. I closed my eyes to encourage her to close hers and within a few seconds I felt little baby fingers trying to pry my eyelids open. I opened my eyes and she smiled and then moved her hands down to play with my chin. I decided to test her and see if she had touched my eyes on purpose. I closed them again, and sure enough, those delicate, slobbery fingers were back up at my eyes. I will never forget it! She is such a sweetheart and a goofball all in one cute package. She is going nuts in her jumper now and wants to jump everywhere else as a result. If you stand her up on your lap she will start jumping. I tried to put her pajamas on her tonight and she stood up and started hopping on her changing table when I was trying to raise her up to a sitting position to put her arms in the holes. She is such a strong baby. She also rolled all the way over today, starting and ending on her back. She only did it once, but she had such a proud and surprised look on her face when it happened.

In other important news, Ollie is home and he is doing much better. He is eating on his own and is walking steadier than he was. He still seems deaf and he still has his feeding tube in place, but hopefully he will get that out soon and will start to recover some of his hearing and the rest of his balance. I will write more on him later and will also post pictures from Callie's Labor day weekend trip to the lake and Blacksburg.

Here are some pictures for Callie's five month birthday. The first picture is of me at four and a half months. Mom saved the blue dress so I put Callie in it to prove that she does look like me a little! I couldn't button the dress around her neck and she was in a very goofy mood so I never got her to pose quite as still as I did in my picture. I guess she got that stubbornness from her daddy!

Me at 4 1/2 months

...and then there's Callie Mae!

So, as you can see, she spent most of our photo shoot trying eat the dress or the blanket or showing everyone that Mommy didn't bother to put any bloomers on her for the pictures! She MIGHT get a little of that silliness from me...

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

She is sooooo cute, Amanda! What a doll. Lots of resemblance too ;)