The first big event of year 2012 for us was Callie's cast removal. I would have to sum up Callie's attitude about her injury, and her cooperation with her doctors throughout all the treatments, as AMAZING. She rarely complained about her cast, adjusted quickly and was very still and smiley through the cast removal. So when she didn't immediately walk normal the day after having it removed, I was a little worried. The doctors assured us that it would take about a month for her to fully recover and not drag her leg like a zombie. Just when we thought the doctors might be wrong, she suddenly walked normal. It was so sudden, I didn't even notice until my friend Mary pointed it out! And it was at the one month mark, so I guess the doctors do know a thing or two!
Her leg was very scaly and stinky. She was begging for a bath!
Brand new tennis shoes from Mimi and Yoo-Hoo for the occasion.
She was very excited to look at the x-ray of her completely healed leg. We were too!
Potty Training. Those words haunt me right now. Callie is well behind all her friends in this area and just before getting her cast off, we thought she was almost there. But after getting her cast off, she seemed to forget the whole point of it. I took her out to buy the undies and the princess pull-ups and she was very proud of them. But after a week of accidents and frustration, I decided to wait until after her birthday to continue. I am hoping that three will be the magic number and it will all click. Many moms have assured me that was the case for their kids. So, to be continued on this one...
Excited about her princes and fairy panties. Not excited enough to prevent her from peeing through all 14 pairs!
This picture taken with my phone captures it all. And now you understand why I quit!
On to happier memories...We celebrated Yoo-Hoo's birthday at the end of January. Callie helped decorate a Little Mermaid cake for him. His present from us was a date night with Mimi and Callie out to see Clifford Live. They ate Mexican and then went to the show and had a great time!
Ready to go see Clifford!
We welcomed another cat into our family this winter, but fortunately, this one doesn't need a litter box. Callie has become obsessed with the new Disney show "The Octonauts" and her favorite character is Kwazii. The toys haven't hit the US yet and she was carrying around a paper picture of him everywhere. I decided it was a time to get out my new sewing machine my parents got me for Christmas and make her a "real" Kwazii. She loves it and sleeps with him every night.
She celebrated every piece as I put it together. Here he is pre-stuffing.
And she was thrilled to have a "fat" Kwazii to hug!
He makes a great flying buddy!
Callie got a new room complete with a big girl bed AND a visit from the paci-fairies who took away all her pacifiers and left her a princess in their places. (Pictures of her new room will be posted later). Both of these events were pretty traumatic in their impact on all our sleep. The first week or two of no pacifiers were horrible. Lots of screaming and crying, and not just from Callie! Eventually she got used to sleeping in her bed and without pacifiers BUT one of us still has to lay there with her until she falls asleep. And at some point every night, she comes into our room. For a while this was a real problem because we just didn't have enough room for three fat cats and a toddler who likes to sleep across the bed. But she has recently created what she calls her "Tiger Bed" which is a line of pillows on the floor by my side. Now she comes in during the night and sleeps on those pillows. I only have to wake up long enough to cover her up.
To ensure that she goes to sleep before midnight (no exaggeration) we also had to take away her nap. As a result, we sometimes we find her asleep at odd times during the day.
If Callie isn't pretending to be a tiger or a cat, she is a puppy, spreading dog slobber cheer and building dog houses with our cushions and blankets. She recently licked a nursery worker twice during church. And when I went into Dominoes to pick-up a pizza the other night, she sat on a chair like a cat and meowed the entire time. (She also had drawn whiskers on herself before we left the house). She's getting a reputation for being very 'into' her characters!
She's been a busy little artist on her new easel from Nana and Papa.
And she has enjoyed lots of snuggles with her kitties.
She and Daddy have a new hobby - pancake art!
and she might be adding new sports to her repertoire? Her new favorite outing is to Dick's Sporting Goods!
She was a very cute little Valentine!
My friend Mary made matching skirts for Callie and Sara. This is what happens when you try to get two toddlers to cooperate for pictures. Not so lady-like!
She helped me blow out the candles on my birthday and enjoyed a visit from Nana and Papa.
And finally, Callie and I were able to accompany Matt on a work trip to DC this winter. It was one of the many unseasonably warm weeks so it was the perfect time for Callie and me to visit the Natural History Museum while Daddy worked.
Here she is with her favorite Dino!
Sorry Aunt Missy, Matt made us to take this picture for you! (Michelle is terrified of the large whale hanging from the ceiling)
After his meetings, Daddy took us out to dinner and for a walk to see the monument.
And that pretty much sums up our winter! Just in time for a big birthday party!
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