The bad news around here is about our Oliver. He had ear surgery on Wednesday and he isn't doing well at all. He had tumors removed from his ears and they had to flush out a lot of dirt, wax and bacteria that had accumulated behind the tumors. The vet said his ears were in terrible shape and that one of his ear drums was completely gone, probably burst a while ago, and that the other was torn. He seemed to hear fine before the surgery but now he seems completely deaf. He is very confused, refuses to eat, and is unbalanced. When he does get up to wobble around, he wails. It is horrible to watch. Matt is calling the vet today to tell them he isn't eating. If a cat, especially an overweight one, goes more than 48 hours without eating, they can develop a very serious liver problem. We have tried all kinds of people and cat foods, both solids and liquids, and we can only get a very small amount in him through force. We are all very worried about out sweet fat cat. It just isn't the same around here without his little clip-clip paw sounds as he runs to the bathroom to beg for water out of the tap or his cute little gurgle sounds he makes when you call him for cream cheese treat time. I miss sharing my pillow with him at night and listening to him purr when I talk baby-talk to him. Please pray for our little furry boy. He is precious in God's sight too because he is one of His miraculous creations.
Here are some pictures that I had not had a chance to put on the blog. They are of Pa and Callie and Logan. Callie finally got to meet her second cousin Logan on the way home from the beach a few weeks ago. And Pa finally got to get his picture taken with both of his great-grandbabies!

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