Monday, June 15, 2009

Art Update

I originally created this blog to compliment my webpage by blogging about any art I was working on. That was weeks before I found out I was pregnant and that this blog would have much more interesting content! But I do have an art update to write about. Callie was sweet enough to allow me some time to paint the last two weeks and I got a number of paintings completed. I entered the beach scenery paintings in the Summerscapes show at my gallery and the other paintings I created mostly to show at a church art show that was held Saturday night. The church show didn't turn out to be a very profitable opportunity but I did meet some very nice people and got an invitation to a Christian mommy group. I sold enough to get my entry fee back and to buy Matt a milk shake! I did have a few people take my card and info on name plaques, so hopefully something will come of that. Here are the latest works. The scenic painting are my usual mixed media of watercolor, pastel and pen. The others are acrylic over collage, like my latest name plaques and florals. I am quite the schizophrenic artist. I have several things I enjoy doing equally. I guess that comes from being an art teacher--an interest in exploring new ideas and materials and the need to mix it up regularly.

The Wharf


Pink Beach

Japanese Maple

Charity Palm

Gerbera Daisies

Playing on the Beach

Busy Day on the Beach


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