Six Weeks!!!
Yesterday marked six weeks of out of womb experiences for Callie. I can't believe it has been six weeks already. And at the same time, she looks so big to me, I feel like it has been six months. She has grown so much and she is learning many new things daily. We have weighed her on our scales (with us holding her) and she seems to be 11 lbs already. Her 0-3 clothes are fitting very well now and she fits in size 2 diapers. I hope she doesn't grow too fast because Becky, Mom and I have all bought her and Brighton lots of matching outfits for our family time in July. We didn't count on Callie being such a chunk! Besides growing, Callie spends less time sleeping now and more time flailing about discovering things with her hands. One night, she discovered her left ear and pulled it so hard that she made the most adorable face while she tried to figure out who was doing that to her and why they wouldn't stop. And I am constantly wrestling those hands away from her pacifier because she loves to grip it and fling it. Some of Callie's favorite things right now are Mommy and Daddy, ribbon, looking out bright windows, "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" and riding around on my chest in the baby Bjorn. Her dislikes include being held while someone is talking on the phone or typing on the computer (which is why I haven't blogged in a week!), getting her diaper changed, pajamas that take too long to button and the blue booger snatcher. Her sleeping habits are improving. I have seen a huge difference this week. She now goes to bed between nine and ten and sleeps through the night with only two fairly quick feedings. She sleeps until seven or eight in the morning. Hopefully this will last more than these few days because I am thoroughly enjoying the predictability and extra sleep. I have been able to paint this week and soon need to start working out and learning new routines for jazzercise. But I am trying to take it a little at a time and not stress or create unrealistic agendas. I am completely content to hold Callie and sing "Fee Fie Fiddly-I-O" as much as she wants me to. And I am trusting that God will give me the time I need to do the things I need to do to make extra money for us. Here is a picture of Callie's first home bath when she was just three days old.
Now, here is Callie at six weeks. (Her acne is clearing up, even though it doesn't look like it in these pictures).
Her hair is not as red as it appears in these pictures, either. And here is a little of what the boys are up to--squirrel watching (when they aren't babysitting their sister, of course!)
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