This year was Callie's second year to help Grammie with her Christmas cookie baking. Last year she pushed a cookie cutter into the dough with Dreama's help. This year she was able to fully participate and even take over and start giving the orders! We were all amazed by how quickly she picked up on the process and how neat and methodically she cut into the dough. And then we all enjoyed the results. Callie enjoyed the results at least four times (that is all Grammie will admit to) and was wild until after midnight, going to bed still begging for "cook cook". (By the way, this is my THIRD post today. I am trying to get all caught up so if you are just "tuning" in, be sure to check the two previous posts that go back as far as Thanksgiving.)
The set-up (two jammie-bottomed butt-butts!)
The demonstration...
Callie was amazed by it all!
...and Grammie was amazed by how quickly she got it!
Eying those cookies...ready to dig in before they are cooked!
"Row, row, row," Callie would say. (Roll, roll, roll)
And eventually, she just pushed Grammie out of the way insisting she do it all herself!
Callie's precious little open-mouth amazed face. She would do that almost every time!
No, Grammie, use this one!
Not much dough left, but just enough for one more snowman.
Watching them bake...
I asked Callie, "What did you do?" and she pointed to the cookies and replied, "Diss!" She was very proud of her handy work!