Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Fair to Remember

As summer winds up, we have a few more fun in the sun memories to share.  One such event was the 75th Annual Newport Agricultural Fair up in Giles Co. where Dreama hales from.  There is really no way to fully describe the fair because you just have to be there to appreciate it.  It is a special event for the Epperley/Spiers family for several reasons, one being that it usually takes place on or around Ma-maw's birthday (Aug. 14th).  It also has been a highlight of Matt and Michelle's summers since childhood.  and it has sentimental value for Matt and me because 12 years ago he took me to the fair to meet his extended family and they have felt like my family ever since.  Now it is Callie's turn to start her Newport Fair traditions and Matt was really excited to show it all to her.  I think she had a great time and it won't be long before she starts looking forward to it too.

Yup, this is pretty much it, but there is more to do than meets the eye!

Porchin' is one important activity.

Porchin' with the birthday girl (Ma-maw!)

There is lots of socializing and bouncy houses with big pointy teeth.

There are games and prizes.

Dead things to pet.

Official Newport souvenirs to buy.

There is gravel to play with (one of Callie's favorite things!)

There is BINGO!  Everyone won big but me.

There is an abundance of battered and fried cuisine to try.  (Meredith with her soon to be hubby, Ben)

And last but not least (at least not in Callie's opinion) there is a giant slide!  The following is my slide montage:


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Masterpiece by a Masterpiece

I am about to burst from excitement!!!! Callie painted today for the first time!  I have always said that watching children paint is one of the most beautiful sights in the world to me.  I used to occasionally tear up just watching my students contentedly painting away and so proud of themselves.  Today, while I was working on my entries for the gallery's upcoming surfer show (hence the blue color palette), my precious baby girl stood up on the other end of my art table, grabbed a brush, dipped it in paint and looked at me as if to say, "Where's my canvas?"  I wasted no time in getting a piece of paper for her, taped it in place and she painted away while I stood there in amazement, beaming with pride!  I finally regained my senses enough to pull her clothes off and go grab the camera.   Once I revealed another surface in need of more color, she moved on to painting her belly, diaper and eventually the white blanket she was standing on--all with acrylic (non-washable) paint!  But I don't care!  I may frame the blanket too!  Would it be taking it too far to frame the diaper???

Once her masterpiece was complete, she went back to her peanut butter sandwich.

The Surfer by Callie Mae Spiers
12x12 Acrylic on Cardstock
Absolutely NOT For Sale!

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Digs!

No, we aren't moving...yet.  But in an attempt to keep us happy in our little house a little longer (and to keep my sanity while cleaning the same messes over and over!), Callie and I now have a new "headquarters".  I decided Saturday afternoon that I was tired of trying to contain all of my art stuff to the guest room and then trying to work in there without being able to see what Callie was into.  So, with Michelle over to watch Callie and help move things, I went about switching all our bedroom furniture to the guest room and making the master bedroom our playroom/studio.  It is perfect!  I have already gotten so much done just this morning while Callie finished up her Captain Crunch and watched Sesame Street.  Callie loves being in there, especially since the bed is on the floor so it is more on her level.  I also moved some of her toys in there to help with the primary color overload in the family room.  Hopefully this will mean that my art messes and her play messes will stay contained mostly to that room and the rest of the house will be less messy at the end of the day.  It at least means that I can get work done while interacting with her and making sure she doesn't somehow manage to climb up on the fridge or whatever her next daredevil stunt will be!  Here are some pics of "Cat in the Lap Studio" and "Callie-tastrophe" headquarters

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Schumacher Kiddos and One Spiers Billy Goat

My plan was to catch up with pictures of the remaining time at the lake visiting with Callie's cousins.  But I also have to add a note to this blog about our little climber.  As you may recall, it all started with her standing on her riding toy.  That was our first hint of what kind of adventure-craved creature we were raising.  Then she moved on to trying to climb the couch, the chair under the window into the kitchen and then there was the day I caught her standing on the dining room table.  Two weeks ago I caught her using the drawers of my dresser as stairs to reach my jewelry.  She also climbed a six foot ladder that Grampie had out to work on our gutters.  And all during our time at the lake she continually amazed Nana, Papa and Aunt BB by climbing and victoriously standing on furniture and even purposely rolling off things and just popping back up like nothing happened.  But today was the ultimate and hopefully the highest point she will reach for a while.  Callie made it to the kitchen before Matt and I did and went ahead and climbed up into her highchair!  She was sitting in it waiting for us.  We are so amazed because it is a booster seat attached to a high bar-chair and there is quite a gap between the only rung and the actual seat.  We just stood there awestruck for a few minutes until Callie grew impatient and pointed to her tray in the drying rack and screeched a command for us to get it out and put some food on it.   And then she ate and ate everything in sight like a true billy goat.  Forget going to the play parks in the mall.  I think Callie is ready for the giant climbing wall at Dick's Sporting Goods!

And now for our regularly scheduled giant load of "cousin camp" pictures...

 There was lots of swimming and water play...

Surprise toys from Nana...
Will was very aggravated that it wasn't his turn to get a surprise...

...but then he ended up playing with the beauty shop the most!

There was dress-up for pictures time...

Yes, she still tries to eat rocks.

Feeding time ...

We usually fed them in front of the TV to distract them from grabbing each other's food.

And just a little nudity... 
It's a little more difficult to go down the slide on a bare bottom but that didn't stop Callie from trying!