Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our Little Sweetheart's First Valentine's Day

We just spent the weekend celebrating Valentine's Day and my birthday with Matt's parents.  They hadn't seen Callie since New Years so they had a lot of squeezes and giggles to catch up on.  Grammie and Grampie's card to Callie says, "...and suddenly, it seems like arms were made just for hugging you, eyes just for peeking at you, and hearts just for loving you..."  I thought that was such a perfect way to put how we all feel about our little, rosy-cheeked sweetheart.  We had a pretty low-key weekend, mostly eating and hanging around the house letting Callie entertain us.  We did leave the house for some shopping and Michelle treated us girls to pedicures.  Callie decided this weekend that crawling was for babies, and so she now walks everywhere.  She walks around with her hands in the air and a big smile on her face.  It is so cute and we love watching her, but we are also a bit sad to see our little baby getting so big, so fast.  Here are some pictures of Callie from the weekend and from breakfast yesterday, enjoying her bagel with cream cheese, just like mommy.  There is a post afterwards with a video of her walking and waving good-bye.  She likes to wave at herself in the mirror and she waved at this video when I showed it to her this morning.  A quick note about viewing You Tube videos.  If you want to see it full-size, click the You Tube HD logo at the bottom of the video.  This will take you to You Tube and there will be a button on the bottom of the viewing screen with four little arrows pointing out.  Click on that button and the video will take up the entire computer screen.  Then, you should be able to see her little bottom teeth and the juice droplets all over her face (she is still figuring out how to drink from a sippy cup).  When you want to go back to the normal screen, just push the ESC button on the top left of you keyboard.


Opening her valentine present.  She loves her new book.


This is what most meals look like at our house.  Ollie has figured out that food will be dropping so he's always on the ready.  


Callie loves cheese of all kinds, just like her mommy! 

Crazy Walking Callie!

Callie decided on Sunday night to give up crawling completely! She looks like such a big girl and she is only 10 months old. I can't believe she is growing so fast!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowbaby Rock Star

We have been pretty house-bound lately with bad weather.  We haven't had near the bad weather as everyone west and north of us, but we have had three snows now, which is more than this area usually sees.  Today we got a half inch and had very high winds.  Saturday we got about 1-1/2 inches, just enough to look pretty.  The grand total from the "blizzard" weekend was 9 inches.  And it has been very cold and beach people are getting grouchy.  Callie has a new way to express her grouchiness.  She learned to make a new squalling sound that could peel paint and send all cats into hiding.  She demonstrates this new talent when she doesn't want to go to bed or when she can't get a toy to do what she wants.  She is still mostly crawling, but she does walk a few times a day when the mood strikes her, usually to chase a cat.  She also has a new eating habit worth mentioning.  She likes to suck the cream cheese off of cheerios and then spit them back out.  That will be the last time I try to make her cheerios more interesting and nutritious!  Even though we haven't gone many places, our days are still interesting because of my little stinker and her daily adventures.  Here are some pictures of Daddy and Callie in the snow and of my little girl looking like a rock star in her leopard fleece top, coral leggings and Pocahontas boots. 



 She didn't really want to taste it.
Demonstrating the fine art of catching snow flakes on his tongue.  Callie was very unamused.


 "Man, I have it rough!"

Her hair is getting long and shaggy, like most rockers.  I think we could record the squalling sounds, put it to music and either pass it off as Adam Lambart or make an album of Callie songs.  This could be the cover shot.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Callie's walking!

She would have walked even farther but she stepped on Matt's pj's.  I didn't think she would be walking by her 10 month b-day but she proved me wrong!

Embedded Video

Blog Alert!

I have a new blog that will focus only on my artwork.  The address is http://catinthelapstudio.blogspot.com/ .  If you normally access this personal blog through CatintheLapStudio.com, please save Manda Mumbo Jumbo to your favorites so that you can get here directly.  I will soon be linking my website to the art blog only and removing all links to my personal blog from the website and art blog.  I feel it will be safer for Callie that way since I have to have contact information on my website for possible customers.

I will soon be posting video of Callie walking (HOPEFULLY - if I can get the file small enough for our slow internet connection!)  Happy Friday and Happy Snow Day to my friends and family west of here.