Friday and Saturday were spent mostly around the house. It was difficult to stick with any kind of agenda with three different nap times going on. Sometimes they would all sleep at the same time and sometimes they were down at completely different times. We did get to the neighborhood park on Friday, to Will's t-ball game Saturday morning and then out to tour downtown Covington that evening. We really enjoyed watching Will's game. He is one of the youngest on the team and doesn't completely understand that it is a team sport. He gets upset if the ball isn't hit to him when he is fielding. And until today, he would only run to first base on his own. But having a larger cheering section seemed to make a difference. On his last at bat, he ran, completely by himself, to all the bases and proudly home.
We are very sad to leave tomorrow morning. It will be a long drive back and even longer for Callie and I since we have to go back to Va Beach from the lake. But we have throroughly enjoyed our visit. We have some great memories and stories to remind the kids of later.
One more bath picture.

at bat...

...running to first...

...redirecting the wayward base runner from the outfield...

...arriving at home plate.
Finally running all by himself and VERY proud!

The cheering section.

Callie loves Will...

...and Will loves Callie.

Papa's Daycare!